In the second half of 1800 Vittorio Grassi inherited a very young quarry of Nanto from prematurely dead father, Vittorio at the time had about 10 years.
Started the business by the head of the quarry, which takes care of him by teaching him the conduct of business, Vittorio is forced to deal with, since adolescent, the family company.

Years pass and the economic situation of the country, albeit with ups and downs, offers some of the job opportunities; opportunities Vittorio late 1800s, early 1900s, he decided to seize the new laboratory building in Nanto and starting the Stone processing activities that his ancestors extracted from very ancient times; from research carried out in recent years it appears that the family already Grassi mined stone in the seventeenth century.

Following an illness that forced him to bed, Vittorio Grassi in the 1950 leaves the leadership of the small company to his son Gino Grassi, soon earned the title of Cavaliere del Lavoro. In a few years, thanks to the valuable market opportunities in full development, was a few years ago ended the Second World War and were rebuilding the bombed cities and thanks to more efficient and less expensive means of transport, expanding the activities of 'company and markets, starting to cross national and international borders thus arriving in the 1980s, up to the distant lands of Japan and the United States.

Entrepreneurial spirit, combined with the hard work and perseverance of four generations, the family activity have great recognition of professionalism and expertise appreciated in all world markets, and that today, even after the company reorganizations, they allowed the simple company established by Vittorio Grassi to become in recent years in a group of companies with several branches which give the group greater flexibility and specialization.

Many works of great importance and prestige were made in our laboratories. Our accomplishments have crossed borders to reach the cities around the world, from Italy to Germany, from France to Spain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, the United States to Japan up to, in years past, the distant lands China providing the Ritz Carlton Portman Hotel in Shanghai and the headquarters of the Central Bank of China in Beijing. Our companies are still an important point of convergence of cultural and professional industry for many internationally renowned architects and builders and a stable reference for the study and for the development of domestic and international marble.

Vittorio Grassi
Vittorio Grassi
Cav. Gino Grassi
Cav. Gino Grassi
Cav. Gino Grassi
Cav. Gino Grassi
Taglio della pietra con la sega a mano
Taglio della pietra con la sega a mano
Lavorazione a mano della pietra
Lavorazione a mano della pietra
Lavorazione a mano della pietra
Lavorazione a mano della pietra
Mercato Ortofrutticolo di Vicenza
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Genio Civile di Trieste
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Municipio di Vicenza
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